Help!!! Movement and Jump and Lable's glich PROVED!!!

My game is starting to be super laggy and adding random “lable behavior” to itself help ME!! and won’t stop everytime I die it goes away but when i go to the next level it pops up and the movement is SUPER LAGGY.

Game link-

All the labels were added by yourself.
You have to open every object and delete the ones you don’t want.
You have added many labels to objects randomly.

I checked it out myself.
Track down your mistakes and next time be more careful.

Another solution would be creating a whole new level and adding objects one by one to see which contains the labels.

( The labels aren’t creating themselves because they have names and are connected to working flows.)

Hope it helps,
see you soon.

Ok I think I fixed it


I don’t like deleting comments, but I had to clean this thread up.

Can you please stop?

Ok I got prove what going on click here-

I have deleted it(Video)

@grazer I dont blame you :stuck_out_tongue:

Note: I deleted my last comment myself.

I think you went too far

I think this whole game went to far @Grazer I think this is over…

For flowlab Comment

Why am I starting to hate this very much.