(HELP) My Flowjam game

Hello everyone,

This is the first help request of the Flowjam (That I have made). I need help with a life system for the player object. I have the basics done but the counter, the object that shows the player how many lives remain, doesn’t work.

So far, I have this:

It’s quite simple but I can’t seem to figure out how to make it work. The object needs to play an animation that shows how many lives the player has but it only counts one. I tried multiple ways and I’m half through this one.

I need help with the last part.
If you know how to make a life system, please help,

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Why don’t you just make 1 animation, then use the goto behaviour?
That would work without errors.

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Oh, ha, I forgot about that

Now the animation plays but how do I make the level restart after the player loses three lives?

Uh, possibly make a death animation for the last life and then some why have it so though after the last death animation plays the level restarts so maybe use a mailbox? I’m not sure.

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I want the level to restart after the animation is done. The obvious output doesn’t work. I don’t know why or how to fix it.

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What if you played the animation then connect the “done” out put to the restart current’s “go”

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It doesn’t work. I also tried using a filter, didn’t work.

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uh what about using a mailbox instead of the restart current then have it sent a mail to the restart current?

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Then I would have to use some sort of a counter in the player object. Either way, it’s still as complicated.

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Sorry I can’t be more helpful, I’m not that good at this so i’m just guessing.

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Yeah, this is very complicated. My teammate made one a little while ago, but I cannot understand anything about it, so I set out to make a simpler version.

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Never mind.

I fixed it:

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Ah nice, congratulations.

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This will now become the official help request for Elemental Kingdoms.

I need help with these things, any ideas?

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I’m assuming by stone edge you mean how it looks, not the 80% accuracy or higher critical hit chance? Also stone edge is rock type, not ground.
For a wall jump, on the examples page, there is an example by PixelPizza (it is quite old, so I don’t know if there could be inefficiencies with it).
For double jump, there is also an example on the example page for it (i think). Just make sure you reset Y velocity to 0 when you double jump, otherwise the jump height will vary depending on how long you were falling for.

Aren’t they the same?

Yes, I was originally going to use animations but then though about how I would emit it.

Yes, I am aware of that.

Maybe I should look at the examples before asking for help, XD.

Samuel saved the day again! He has a example for everything, thanks for mentioning it, CodeAlpaca.

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I tried using the double jump bundle but now the player can jump infinitely.

Also, I need help making a Jet Pack, or rather, making the jet pack work.