Help with obtaining lots of art

Ok, so I’m looking at doing something, but it would require a lot of art and different sprites and stuff, from backdrops to characters, to walls, it just requires so much art! I am notoriously bad at art and I generally don’t enjoy making art all that much (definitely not as much as I like coding), so I was wondering, how do all of you get all of the art for your big games with tons of art? Do you genuinely draw it all yourself or is there someplace where I can just find art that is very close to what I want (or is exactly what I want) already and only requires a small number of changes (besides the default flowlab sprites)? Like a free art directory maybe? Similar to, but for pixel art? Does that exist? Or do I just have to do everything myself?


Here’s one I know, even some of Flowlab’s art (like the blue alien that Gamougg is based off of) come from here: Kenney • Home


Personally, I do all the sprites myself, but I haven’t done a huge project yet. I am also really bad at pixel art, so if there is a pixel art library that would be great.


Flowlab has a sprite shop and I’m pretty sure there is some on


I am intrigued. What do you mean by this?

Also, sadly, itch is blocked on my school Chromebook so I cant use it for anything, which sucks.

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How have I not heard about this? Also, I have no money :frowning: Still really cool that that exists though. Does the money go directly to whoever made it, or does Grazer get a cut of it since it’s his website? And also, I wonder how much they make off of those? Like, how many people have actually bought one of those?


I’m assuming grazer gets a cut of it, as well as the creator of the pack. I wasn’t able to find it on the main website (Had to find the forum page for it) so I’m assuming very few people have even bought it.

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I’ve once helped someone using the frog pack. So there are some people out there who buys them

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Also, not exactly sure, but I think Grazer once said that the full amount goes the the creator of the pack. You can dm him or something if you want to put your pack into the sprite shop. Heard Grazer is picky tho

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Does work for you?


Ooohh it does! Thank you so much!


Aw I was trying to find that site but couldn’t remember the name… :man_facepalming: