Hey guys just had a question

Does anyone have an example game where if you leave the screen the name tag stays on the screen? Thanks guys. I just need an example code to learn more off of


You can make a object that follows the player, but not go past the barrier.

do you have any ideas what I can use for a barrier? I have the car camera on auto scroll and there’s a missile that spawns out of camera, I have a “missile warning” object/name tag, I need it to stay in screen and then when the missile catches up then the tag will follow,

its in level 4

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I have an idea for what you could do, but do you want the tag to start on screen, or only stay on screen after it leaves? I think the ‘In view’ behavior would be useful for this so maybe play with it.

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Start on screen, I will toy with the in view behaviour thanks

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If you still need help, i can provide an example for you.

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Ok thanks, I will start now, I will let you know in a couple mins if I need an example, thanks for your help. :grin:

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Hey i experimented and ye I am still new to this in and out screen behaviour, do you mind providing me with that example, thanks.

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Will this work? (Sorry for the late reply.)

thanks, its alright. I will use this.

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