Link here: Garden game 1.1.0
Seems like a pretty fun game so far!
Good game so far. I recommend you add:
- Shops: where you sell flowers, carrots, wheet… to get scores or your own money currency. You can also buy some stuff like:
- Watering Can: Faster growing (tip: you could use Timer behavior with Animation behavior’s “go to” input to make it).
- Solve: Take out the plant you mistake.
- Fertilizer: grow faster (but slower than watering can, should be more expensive than watering can if you want the growing speed the same as watering can) and get more score/money on that plant.
- Seeds: those seeds could be able to buy in shops (optional).
- UI stuff: your game lacks UI buttons very much, such as full screen. You should add objects for Setting in the User Interface Layer. It should include at least a full screen and volume game.
Hope you not gonna give up on make this game better
Would it be better to create a dumpster for seeds or would it be better to create a shovel/refund ability?
Both if you want since you’re Indie.
Ok thanks for the Tips.
I’m not really into repetitive games like these, usually I find game loops like these boring and variety-lacking. But I’m not gonna let personal nitpicks get in the way of looking at other’s games constructively. I’d say that since your game is currently a void when it comes to actual features, I’d say you should focus a lot more on gameplay currently, before getting into trying to create a visual charm. currently, there’s really not much to do other than plant a few times and get to the highest level of plant. in fact, i’d say that most of it is pretty much a waiting simulator. So my suggestion would be to add gameplay variation. People always prefer gimmicky mechanics over simply waiting, and since your game is centered around “gardening” features as such could be beneficial for your gameplay loop:
-pests: certain garden critters could appear that the player would have to deal with
-seasons: instead of progressively better plants that come at high waiting times, how about you force the player to be selective with their choice of plant in order to have their garden thrive
-more plant variation: also lands under the same niche, different plants that sell poorly could give you special statuses, while plants that make a lot of money can be balanced out with bad status effects. Instead of having a plant always better than another, you could consider having more variation in plants, and focus more on different plants rather than better plants for each stage of the game.
I understand that you’re a new developer and want to simply play around with some things you can do on flowlab, but trying new things can always be beneficial for your learning curve (Also I think I took my criticisms out way too formally lol… also I just got really bored)
Almost forgot, add a mechanic that is able to buy some more places to plant crops (of course in shop but a lil different).
This is a good game to play when you need to relax
Version 1.1.0 should be out by buy Sunday at the latest.
1.1 is out now, go to the top for the link.
So far, I found a bug that doesn’t let me claim my coins from my corns and slot to plant disappear when you collect your plant, which is kind of weird. Ok, I can add stuff like gardenHoe(anti-cuss word moment) that can help you don’t take care enough for your farm by tilling and fertilizing for your farm land slot, but there’s none of them in-game yet so which can be still consider as a BIG bug.
Ok that bug should be fixed. And for extra features that can improve your garden and a shop, those will come in future updates like 1.2 which I hope to add a few upgrades and soil types into.