@Hong_Jooni_Pooni I also drew myself a toad and I want you to rate it 1 to 10
Your background images/houses really are something else
I don’t have any houses this is a png image! lol.
been a while, but heres a sneakpeak on the game The Penthouse is working on (literally half of the people on the forums )
It is a very epic game!
Well, I am working on Ewarks now, so anyone interested in what I’m doing can look it up since I have a gam dev log I’m pretty active on
Awesome art y’all. I feel very inspired scrolling through this thread.
Can anyone make a 32-by-16-pixel cloud?
Is the 32 width or height
It is for the Width 32X, 16Y
How the heck do I make this spin?
You could have the wheel a separate object and it rolls around while the body is connected through the attach behavior.
Omg, Bro im so dumb. I didn’t think of that. Thanks. But that wasn’t what I was talking about. Now I’m realizing the wheel isn’t spinning. I mean the whole thing. bros hands are life knife and i want it to spin like a top.
looks nice, can I get a link?
To what? If you mean the game its made on construct there isn’t really a link I can send. But when I get a playable game done (probably be tomorrow) I send a link.
Also im noticing now that the scythe is spinning in the wrong direction. lol, Bro threw a scythe with backspin. honestly what a legend. If anyone can save hell from the machines it my dawg grim.