Hey. So the star-blast franchise is going to be my core franchise.
And i was hoping to get some honest criticism for both the original and the sequel (work in progress)
Starblast is a old '80s based game about shooting and maneuvering. Its a game where a player controls a ship and flies it around while blasting enemies simultaneously to get the highest score possible. Your ship is loaded with a cannon that can shoot straight forward, or up, down, left, or right (regardless of the direction you’re facing).
Controls: left and right to rotate, and up to thrust. Wasd, for shooting, and spacebar for precision shots
Play starblast here!
Starblast: neon wars is a work in progress, but still can be tested.
The game is a lot different, the graphics have been photoshopped to perfection, so the visuals are fantastic. The game is a lot different. Using my never-seen-before controls scheme, with Wasd you can move in that direction, automatically turning your ship to said direction. And blast enemies with your cannon.
You may have to open the editor and go to arcade mode to test it
Wasd: move
Arrow keys: shoot
I really like the color animations. They really seem to emit an electronic retro-style feeling
maybe if there were items and upgrades, it would be really cool!
Im going to have flank-fire as a powerup, it shoots both forward and backward
Thanks for the idea @Luminous700
Also, ill post updates on NW here. Added a nice neat new title screen
Also added a mode select screen
Beautiful graphics! I’m having high hopes for the game. Keep it up!
Added a scoring system and a lives system. Now you can play competitively!
My highscore for NW is 1005
Update: i made my own music to starblast neon wars. Thanks to jukedeck for helping me with my awesome game!
I added a new gamemode. Max mode! Its an extremely intense arcade mode with astroids showering in the top and bottom of the game area, the enemy spawns per second, and more to come soon like the big variety of enemies… Also the borders are green, meaning you cannot teleport from one side to the other. (And don’t forget the awesome soundtrack that im going to add soon)
i think u need to make an bigger enemy with more life and shoots too… make more enemies
anyways great game
made the false ship chase after players.