Thanks a lot, man. Real life savetr.
here’s the 1st background, what do you think
Actually w. That took way less time than expected. But I was thinking something grimmer, and dark. Using the color purple for the sky.
That would look good for a different project. You should hang on to it.
ok, let me change the colors a bit
Another refference. a better refference
also here’s the 2nd one
That ones is perfect. I like the colors you used to show the depth
whadya think?
Yup, it’s great. Thanks a lot, man.
no problem, just credit me, k?
Absolutely man. Perhaps you want to do one more?
uuuuh, what would i need to do?
Simply hell and refrence.
I wont make you but it would be appreciated.
ok, i’ll slide you a deal, i make the background, you make some music for me, deal?
o yeah. No problem man. Thanks once again.
any feedback?
You guys realize this is a Music topic
Also, @ZayDex06 I am pretty decent at art and can help you if you want, I have experience in large backgrounds too,
holy heck what happened here?
32 replies?