that sounds familiar, I just can’t put my finger n it, but its still really good
JummBox another cool base for anyone dont know where to go with it
It’s snowing fiercly outside so have this
I made a thing with your base
yoooo aight ill listen to this when I get the chance
Wait did you use one of mine or hongis? Sounds like something id make but i dont remember. Eirher way sounds great.
he replied to u, so yes, its yours
It’s yours
Hmm im not sure wirch one imma have to look
It’s this one
My creativity has died now everything i make sounds mid JummBox Proof
What I like to do when I have no ideas is just think of a place or atmosphere, and try to turn that into music
90% of the music I make is unplanned and created at random
lol same. I guess ill try that
JummBox heres this while I do that
For example
The name of the song should tell you what my initial idea was
An entire planet turned into a metallic husk
awesome song for real
I did it JummBox
W JummBox
Also Fill out this survey please?
Sorry if I’m reviving a dead topic, but I wanted some feedback
How can I make this sound more space-ey?
Bro is still active and the topic is still relevant so you’re good