How can I make an enemy shoot?

In the game if you look on the bottom in LIBRARY, and you click next you will see one that is switch/wall and the other one is switch to close wall right by that is also wall. I will try that picture, but maybe you can show me with those switches? Were should I put the picture in, the wall or one the the switches, Can you explain more?

Yeah, I saw the switch and saw you used a destroy block
but this is what you would want to do if you want to close the door back.

This is in the door or “blocker” object
The mailbox is for the open and close switches

I’ve tried that picture you gave me, and the game now seems to glitch a little. And the enemy is wrong. Did you try it out yourself? It seems to jump and I want it to jump when It sees a block close to it

IT WORKED! For the switch I mean. Thanks. Now to just figure out that enemy jumping.

Yep, I think it works actually. Well I appreciate your help in helping me solve that enemy case. I think it works fine. How can I make a bat drop bombs on me? You know like if I was running and then the bat comes and starts throwing bombs don on me. Can you make that?

the arrow is blocking the enemy’s path and it doesn’t shoot forward! Do I have to make the arrow moveable or something like that, the arrow shoots, but it doesn’t shoot toward me!

Sorry, meant to say to use forward in the arrow:

And the Raycast angle is 180, Not the length;

For the bat, I would make the bombs be affect by gravity and emitted from the bat at the angle of 90 with 0 force. It will emit under the bat and fall normally.

Can you please make a diagram? That would be easier. Thanks lots!

I cant really show much because you never made the object or the bomb…
But if I had to guess, it would just have a Timer —> Emit

Check out my games like Ship Survival or Terraria for some examples. If you want anything specific, ex. a reload system, shotgun ammo, weapon swaping… I will make or lead you to an example.

@jr01 I did my bat so that it is affected by gravity, movable, and I did the same thing in behaviors as the enemy monster has. It just didn’t work, can you plz help me for making a bat that will shoot out a bomb (I made the object it’s called “bomb”) that goes down to the enemy and shoots him

@Tim01, the angle needs to be 270 and you need to click “Angle is independent” box in the emit block.


@jr01, I’m trying to make the bone that the player shoots, be activated only when I buy it. I made the level in the game, Can you show me how I can make that bone that can be bought, and activated only when I buy it?

Well to make a shop that can let you do that, you need to understand on how to use Save Behaviors.
I have an example on how to make a shop, but here’s an old discussion for more on it.

Example Shop:

@“JR 01” , how can I make a spike that disappears every 3 seconds, and then reappears for another 3 seconds. And that cycle repeats. So that when the spike is no there, I can run through it, but when it appears, and I collide with it, then it takes a life away.

timer 3 seconds repeat forever connect to enabled off another timer with seconds same thing but connected to on
make animation with nothing in it connect to first timer second timer connect to stop on the animation make it loop

can you show in a picture? I kind of don’t get it

yeah I can