I want to make a dev mode where I can fly around through things. How do I deactivate the collisions, everything else is ready.
Just have something like a timer or a message with a switch that turns it off
For starters, maybe instead of deactivating collisions, you could spawn the ghost player and use a destroyer for the real player. You could probably make a new object, disabling “solid” in properties, but enabling “movement”. For controlling the ghost player, you could put some rpg movement which could work with the flying around and that stuff.
If this wasn’t helpful, it’s alright. I don’t have that much experience compared to other users, just throwing in some ideas
That’s pretty much what I’ve done, either just have an object control the camera on its own.
Or have a ghost player that can swap and delete between the player and ghost.
Thanks’ that will help a lot for stuff!