In my game I want to make it where when I hit the box 3 times in level 2 the box will turn brown and emit coins above the box. I also need help to stop and keep the animation on the box brown at the end. Here is the link and please help!!!
Make the box have it’s forward be up. Check it a couple times to make sure the forward stays up. Have collision from the bottom make it emit a coin forward. Have an on off switch between them, so after 3 hits it turns off. I’m assuming you mean 3 hits 3 coins, unless you mean 3 hits, then a coin. Either way, make collision connect to the (+) of a number, and to a filter greater than 2. Have that pass turn off the switch, so no more coins come out, and play an animation on loop. That animation can be just a brown box. I’m sure someone has made an example before.
I tried what you did but I still could not get it to work. Can you make a example of what to do
this should work. Also instead of “Greater than 4” put in “Greater than 3”
That helped but I am still able to coins after I collect 5 coins. Can you help me with that.
never mind
wait actually… that helped but I am still able to coins after I collect 5 coins. Can you help me with that.
Check my character/player too
The only way I can think of is to make the box send a message to the player to +1 when they collide. Then, when the brown box animation plays, turn off the switch connected to the message, so the player cannot receive any more coins from that specific box.
Or have a filter that has under 6 and pass going to the emit
i just what something to emit for the top but you have to collect it
and it only emits 1 every 5 seconds