How do I insert an image into the game description

Does anyone know how I can put this:

into my game’s description? I saw images in the GOF description, and I wondered how to do it.


Put this in, it’s some HTML that works in markdown ig


It’s an image tag:
< img />
, and iside of it, we’re setting the source of the image, or what the image to be with:
src = “

To find the source you can just two finger tap on the image and press “copy image address”, but I already copied that image for you

It doesn’t look great tho:


When setting the height and width, choosing them to not be scale with the original picture doesn’t seem to work here, so you’ll have to change the image if you want the scale to change, but you can make the image larger…


it’s been awhile since i’ve learned something about flowlab, and especially something useful

probably going to use this for future games, if integrated right it can look sick with special graphic designs and everything



I did not expect that to work at all when I tested it
It’s funny, with positioning atributes you can position the image outside of where it’s supposed to be and put it over the game screen

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Gods of Five doesn’t have images in the description (something that’ll probably change when I get the time), but JR and PixelPizza often do it in their games and it looks great. If you look at Witch In The Woods or Misty Hollow those are great examples to look at


Thanks a bunch! I’ll have to re-size the picture on Google slides or something.

How do I make this image work with Markdown? I can’t get the image address.

Right-click and copy image link. I got the link for you:
I recommend not using a Google URL since it may not be that permanent, or soon no one can see it unless they’re signed in to your account. I recommend copying the image somewhere on the forums, and then right-clicking it to get the image link or URL and then pasting that into your game’s HTML in the description.

Hm… I still can’t get it to work.

I don’t think so, this is what it looks like right now:


Never mind, I figured it out.

Dang this is useful!
How do you get the link to upload it?

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You’ll have to ask Flying Fajita, I can’t seem to get it right.


I did it. Finally, for goodness’ sake.

Right click on the image, press “copy image address”

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Thanks Flying Fajita. My game description looks pretty darn cool now.

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Thanks @Flying_Fajita
I’ll try it!

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This is what it looked like for my other account. Did I do something wrong?


@Flying_Fajita, do you know why this is happening?