How do make the Sonic ring mechanics?

How do I make it so that hazards and obstacles instantly kill the player and restart the level, unless they have rings, at which point will cause them to lose their rings?

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Have a ring count saved in the game.
If the ring count is greater than or equal to one: don’t restart level.
If the ring count is zero: restart level.

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How do you save it? May you please show me a screenshot?

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Use the save block :stuck_out_tongue:


I do not have a screenshot for how I would do this, because it’s how I would do it. I don’t really like handing out screenshots, because that doesn’t inspire creativity in designing these systems, and improvement stems from creativity.

That said:
I can give you a general idea of what you will need:

You will need a behavior to save your ring count (save).

You will need a filter system for when you die (this one can go several ways [filter, switch, etc.]) This will decide what your ring count is and what to do based on it.

Lastly, you will need your acting systems (nothing if the filter finds you have more than one ring, and restart level if the filter finds you have no rings).

Sorry if this is too vague. If you are super confused, I could send a screenshot, but it will have to be later today.


I am super confused. For some reason, I only seem to improve my flowlab skills with time.

Understandable, have a great day.

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Right. But, I meant the improvement of the system itself. When we get creative with our problem solving, we end up with systems that are infinitely better than what we already have on flowlab.

And, lol. Nice meme.

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