How to generate hype for your game?

I am currently making my best game yet, but due to the issues that @hihilogic pointed out, I fear that this game I put so much time and effort into will go unnoticed and unrecognized.

I do not want this to happen, but I mostly want people to see, play, and enjoy my game(s). May anyone please show or tell me how to create hype for my upcoming releases?

FYI, my current profile picture at the time I posted this is a teaser for the game. One of the two things in this pfp is connected to the main villain(s) of the game.


Just ignore the hate and make a cool game.If you like it,that’s awesome,love from the creator is all it needs.


In that case, I’ve got plenty.


I think something that could help is a dev log or just consistently keeping the community in the loop of how the development is coming along. @rcreger’s Sol has garnered a lot of attention because he’s been slowly teasing elements of the game and informing people of it’s development. I think this helps people feel involved and shows that you’re serious about the development of your game.


Hmm. So that’s why Gamougg is more successful than all of my other games. I’ll be sure to keep you all posted!


I suggest trying some marketing ideas. Try to make the post appealing with images and a description of something they would want to play. Make devlogs / updates in the comments of the topic. Maybe even make a video trailer.

Just don’t make it annoying where people will flag it as spam or aka avoiding the game. There’s game I avoid because I see too many ads for it.


Thanks for the epic elaboration of some previously discussed ideas along with a few new ones! I appreciate it.