How to get less lag on chromebook

I’m trying the new code for my object that limits visibility by placing each object down and the code needed to wait for the player to activate it, but it has to use “Always” and it causes lag a lot. Can I have some advice?

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Sadly, Chromebooks are kind of low end devices so it takes a lot of optimization for games to load decently on one. But some things won’t run very well or can cause the frame rate to drop since it doesn’t have the necessary memory to run it.

I had an old MacBook that struggled to run most games because it was also low end. I can’t really think of anything that could help, but maybe have it so the object only runs the Always when it’s on the screen. So that way it’s not running constantly, but only when it’s in view.


Darn, the “In View” works very well. Nice move, man.

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If you’re indie you can also view performance metrics, but if not someone here will usually be able to take a look if you provide a game link :link:

It’s very possible to optimise a game to run on chromebooks and older phones. But that level of optimization really needs the experience of development to make it work. Here’s a few tips that may help with this.

  1. Have the least amount of objects active in your game/level.

You want to try to limit whats being loaded, and if possible, only have objects in or close to the on screen. Its useful to spawn and delete objects when they need to be on and off screen but this requires a lot of setup.

  1. Use collision merging /or long hitboxes bounds.

Collision merging is automatic in flowlab but it only happens to objects that not movable, doesn’t have any specific code, and fills a full rectangle hitbox. If anything else, its more useful just to make single long walls and floors to make your levels. Less hitboxes helps with performance.

  1. Minimize heavy/looping code.

This is more specific but having a lot of objects at once use raycasting or proximity does consume a bit or performance, especially on devices with less Ram. If possible, reduce any running code every frame if it doesnt have to. Switches and messages are nice for this.

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Performance Metrics make my Chromebook shutdown, I don’t know why.

The first one is a good one. The second one is kind of annoying because all my games I made are a type of action and fighting and also have many forks, which means it makes the game more challenging and I reach the limit of create more games, so I can’t use it. The last one I learned lasted 2 months before I knew how to use “In View”. But thanks for those tips btw.