How to make a dash/roll

Sorry @Deadly_Smile for making so many topics, but I am trying to make a dash or a roll for my top-down game Can you help?

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I’ll try helping tomorrow, kinda busy at the moment, sorry!

No worries, that’s alright! :grinning: :smiley:

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you gotta lock the movement direction of your player to preferably the current movement direction that they’re currently moving in, and speed them up temporarily. There’s no specific way to do things when it comes to game development, depending on what kind of game you’re making it’ll be different.

So I can just bump up the velocity when you press this button and it would work?

This isn’t working for some reason. the up and down dashes are fine, but when I dash side to side, It dashes diagonal.

this is what it looks like:

The circled in green is the important stuff and the red is where the wasd keys go to.

The up and down work but the left to right doesn’t