How to make a Object Appear As a different Object

How to make a Object Appear As a different Object Pls help Im new…

pls answer if u know

You can create an animation and then in your game you switch to that animation.

oh thank u TinkerSmith

If you look up @“JR 01” games, in his game ‘1’ he uses one object for everything in his game :slight_smile:

but it’s not easy

It’s kinda easy, just need to use animations.

Hi @“darian K” , here an (I hope) easy example.

  • I have an object called ‘Dice’
  • I create an animation called DiceRoll, looking like this:
  • as you can see, each animationframe represents one of the dice face
  • one example of how to access/show them:
  • as you cee I just connected a Random ( 1 to 6 ) to the ‘goto’ input of the Animation block

Makes sense ?

I know already, just saying

well im not using for the rest of life