How to make a text appear to everyone

I’m trying to get ready for a new game project but the chat option didn’t work because it didn’t appear the chat from other player to everyone who joined the lobby.

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So, let me get this straight,

You’re making a multiplayer game with an online chat? I didn’t really understand the text you posted originally, apologies.

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Just make the obkect that shows the chat a shared object:
Screenshot 2024-10-08 12.51.41 PM
@Khoi_Pham Please let me know if this works or if you need more help

Sorry but it doesn’t really work. Do you have any examples for it?

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Sorry I have been gone all weekend but I can make something for you. Check back real soon

I’m here, right now.

Here is one made by TheBrickCentric.

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Sorry, not at all.

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What do you mean?

It doesn’t work when I open 2 tabs of the link. I typed a random word at the first tab and I didn’t see that word in another tab.

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Can you join right now? I can test it. It should work.

You see any word pop up?

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Huh, no. Let me show you a different link that should work.

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See the word yet?

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Yeah, it works for me! How about you?

I also saw the chat, but how it works?

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How the code works? Or how to use it?

The code part.

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