How to make advanced enemy system

The enemy has to have a wandering system, chase system attack system and a pathfinding system. Thank you.

for 2d or top-down? because i have some semi-complicated top-down enemy logic
also i believe hihilogic made a good enemy pathfinding system, you can find it on the help page

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Well you need to have more detail than that. Like is the game platformer or top down?
Wandering how? Like in a short area, they can wander indefinitely?
Chase system? Chasing who? NPC’s, the player?
Attack System? Like attacking how? Projectiles, melee, spells?

I’m not sure why you asked for help on how to make it, but then completely ask us to make the entire thing for you. If you want something that will fit and work in your game is to ask how to make each one and I’m sure a user could help explain how to set up a certain code for what you are looking for and would fit your game. Plus you learn how to set it up for future games you plan to make.

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For platformer thank you.

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The enemy will be chasin the play, and it is a melee attack. I need wanering in short area and wide area. Sorry for no being specfic


these might help:

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Thank you BradenS! Thank you very much

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i will steal these for my halo game.

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This is a good subject… There is a few ways to do it. I have found to use a extract behavior for my enemies. This can find your players position with them, and if you add a point to behavior to make the enemy shoot your player if this is what you want.


Another way to do it is perfectly made into this example that @BradenS already posted…