How to make an animation cancel when something leaves its proximity

im trying to make it so when i collide with a block it starts the animation and then it stops the animation if i leave the proximity/certain distance away, dont care how it works i just want it to work
My game (check the purple blocks behaviours): Miners Descent - Flowlab Game Creator

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Just connect the “miss” output of the proximity to the “stop” input of the animation

for my purpose, it still outputs ‘done’ and activates the destroy function and it then breaks the block even when I leave the proximity

Try using “go to” instead of “stop” on the animation

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how do i select the frame it goes to

The miss output on the proximity (as with any output that isn’t value dependent) will always output 1. The first frame in your animation is the same as the block itself, so you can cancel the animation without making it output done by using “go to”.