How to make the Flowlab Memes topic more visible to new and more users

Hello, I was wondering if this topic could be seen by more people. It doesn’t fit into any of the categories, and after the forums update, the category it’s in is hardly visible. Could someone help me fix this?


Anything related to the Community Lounge is automatically hidden to newer accounts because how unrelated much it can unrelate to Flowlab and cause Drama. As to memes, it can overtake many of the more needed topics related to Flowlab. Though anyone is welcome to the community lounge if that’s the area they would like to explore, category view is set to default and muted categories is shown as a tab below the list. It’s just a click away.


I know but the audience of the Flowlab Memes Topic was cut in half due to the update and since all memes posted there are specifically Flowlab I think it should be more easily accessible


Either Flowlab related or not, they still overlap over actual topics/tags on the Forum. Memes are better organized with the offtopic section, for how it pushes away other topics.
Plus, it was originally hidden away because of the drama.


Ok. So is there a way to increase visibility and/or awareness of the Flowlab Memes Topic?


Not really, there’s no real way to increase visibility to any topic/category.
People with category view will select the category they want to see.
People with Topic view will see topics who commented recently.

This is a forum, not a social media…


Understandable, have great day.