How to sent a message to another object telling it to activate that code

how to sent a message to another object telling it to activate that code


Screenshot 2023-10-10 2.12.15 PM
The message and the mailbox have to be the same. When the mailbox receives the message, it will output. The mailbox can be in a different object. Make sure to send the message to the right place, by clicking the behaviour, then clicking the object to send it to.

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uhm i did not work not work not work actully let me try again

did not work anything else i should try

Are you sure you’re sending the message to the right object? Do message and the mailbox contain the same text?

im sending it to the spawner block which will tell it to do the spawning code is what im tyring to do but its not working

Send screenshots of the code in both the spawner block and the object that’s sending the messages

the sound is just an example

And is the message set to being sent to the right object?

yeah the spawner block

Are you sure it’s sending to the right object?
Are you sure the message is sending? Maybe it isn’t getting the collision?

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Could you send a link to the game so we can look at the code too?


right object does not matter for now problem is the messgae is not sending and yes it is getting the collsion

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