How to stop launching off of hills at high speed

Hello, I am making a Pizza Tower engine and I must include hills. However, whenever the player is going fast (hold shift) they will launch off of the hill when they reach the end of it which is something I don’t want since in Pizza Tower, you’d be kept on the ground.

How do I avoid this?

Oh and another problem I am having is sliding down hills because the player should also not do that

I somehow fixed it by making the raycast for jumping a bit longer but it’s still weird because instead of smoothly going up it kinda jitters

for me it sometimes doesnt let me move after a slope.

that happens for this one specific slope just wait a while and you’ll be able to move again

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its also whenever I collide with anything. it doesnt let me move for a second or 2

I haven’t made the code for that yet but when dashing bumping into solid blocks will do that
(unless you mean something else)

that is what I meant.