I couldnt find any good tutorials and I really think the physics joint is a cool idea, can someone help me? I just want to know how to use it for cool physics objects, I don’t need it right now though
Hey Varpez! Been a while!!
First things first, you need to ignore any trolls that might distract you by posting random audio on a topic where the user is clearly asking for HELP.
That is a good point, really. I haven’t seen many examples, more games taking and using it right out of the box. I might be able to whip one up, but that might take some time.
What exactly do you want to know? It’s a really darn fun behavior with a ton of featured to add more JUICE to a game.
Think of it like an attacher, but with the ability to enable the object’s physics that is being attached. It’s been revolutionizing ragdol examples and making things like sidescrolling cars, actually plausible. -Literally my favorite part of the update.
Here are a few games that use physics joint:
Ragdoll test:
Ragdoll / Joint Testing - Flowlab Game Creator
The brick is a genius and, if you look at the code, it’s much more complicated than you think, but much easier than trying to make physics attachers without, well, attachers/physics joints.
Here is one of my favorite games of all time that uses Physics joint:
Another BrickCentric game that uses Physics join to make a CAR. It’s super competitive and really fun.
If you need any specific tutorials on how to use it, I can find or make some for you.
Again, ignore trolls.
thank you bro, I’ma def make something really funny with this k n o w l e d g e
Uh ooohh. lol.
Pls keep me updated on whatever you’re using this
on though!