How would I make a slow mo?

would it be possible to make a slow mo of some sorts? if so then I need help figuring it out, I’m thinking on altering the physics but I’m not sure

I know there’s something in the “game flow” section in the coding and it has something called Level Physics. There’s a connector labeled speed where you can do a slow mo effect there.

It will slow down any velocities but will not slow timer movement.

Here’s an example I made to portray impact. This also shows how to use slow motion by using the speed input of the level physics behavior. Code speed never changes, so make sure to adjust any timers you have to the worlds speed value for accuracy. I updated the description with the formula, but you can also see this in the spawner object. As well as the animation of the projectiles.

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thanks but wouldn’t I have to do that for every object with the level physics or is it global

also thanks, I’ll check it out when I can

You actually only need to do it for 1 object and it does the whole thing
(level physics)

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Strangely the best way that I’ve found is just to artificially make the game lag. The physics and everything else will remain consisitent (apart from timers and eases, which aren’t consistent anyway)

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would there be any way to slow down the sounds as a free user?

No but that does sound like a nice feature request for the engine. Have sound be effected by world speed.

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yeah, it being toggle able, default is off? should i make a suggestion post for this?

would also be nice to have just a speed behavior which affects timers and animations globally to be consistent