I created a brand new BOT! (In Early Access!) Get it now!

I have created a new bot!

  • Will NOT fall off of the map

  • can jump over smaller gaps

  • Has player detection

  • easily customizable speed & jump power!

  • It will turn around upon hitting a wall

  • will follow the player almost anywhere

I am currently working on another bot that has the ability to jump over 1 block high gaps!

code will soon be posted! Watch this post for the official release of the new bots!

this bot will turn around when approaching a wall, can jump over small gaps, and will follow the player most ways.
Stay alert for bot updates!
bot #1: I created a brand new BOT! (In Early Access!) Get it now! - #33 by Death68093

Please tell me if you like it with this pole:

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  • Ok (Tell me what it needs)
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I also have a nice bot.

cool what does yours do?

It can jump over blocks automatically, it can sprint at the objective, it can dash and sometimes it can jump over high blocks.
And the bot is in the game Raining Bots the bot is in the black block

not bad, not bad. the main thing yours can do that mine cant is sprint towards the objective.

Yep so do you recommend any features to add?

Uh, can you tell me what this post is supposed to be? Flex the bot that we make?

i made this to show my new & first bot the code and videos will be posted soon

Well, the only bot I can’t do is can’t fall off the map.

i figured out a way to do that and the player detection allows it to follow the player almost anywhere

it also has settings to easily change the bots speed, jump etc…

Is your bot able to add DMG based to the weapon or other objects player use?

no not yet i didn’t think of that

I need to find out the code for the next gun composite, and I didn’t find out this time.

probably the most i can do is make a setting where you can change the dmg when the player is hit by the bot

Wait not, I forgot to add the “stick together for seconds and these DMG on each other”. It’s the hardest composite to do because I actually finish the increase DMG based the weapon already.

im going to be honest i have no idea what you just said

Well, hard to explain but. For example, you shoot a bullet that hit an enemy, then in a distance (Ex: “Proximity” with 100 value) have some other enemies, they will stick to the enemy that was get a shot and does DMG on all of them.

so basically an explosive?

Not actually because it kinda likes to stick enemies together closer to the enemy that was shot and does DMG on all of them. And why I keep missing work like this.