I need a assasin like player

Which is animated, something like this

but it has a sword but
directional for my game, sorry if this is kinda too much but, …



im just making a dungeon crawler game ok

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No, its my favorite Deltarune character, I would bake a sprite for you but I got homework

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Yea, have you ever played it?

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No, but still love it, I only have Undertale and muffet is so hard so I reset and now Im doing Pacifist

Im still waiting for chapter 3-7

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I haven’t played Undertale.

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Yeah, I thought of Undertale


btw… just, dont make it playtime world style…

And why would I???

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If i correctedly check your bio, it says you work on playtime world, no game else.

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But, objection. " Hey All! I’m Deadly Smile (Formerly known as 8-bit) and im rlly into horror games, im making a game called In The Dark: Playtime World so check that out, and im just a “regular person!” I help a lot if you’re confused with something and thats pretty much all! *Keep On Smiling Folks!" but about Keep on smiling, it refers to few of the references in the game. Proof

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Just because I’m focusing on one game doesn’t mean I do art for it in all my art projects, its just that if I work on more than 1 project all of those are most likely to be ghosted


And this, it’s because my name is Deadly Smile and I love those old fashioned cartoons


And I am a regular person, although you’re making me realize now it’s suspicous

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No,if you do genocide,reset then do pacifist you wont get the ending you expect…

Ohh, wel i will just wait fort he character :slight_smile:

This is not a Undertale Forum.

I know i just want to make sure @DeadlyGumChewer Knows.

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