i need help making ai for my valorant game
Does what Pixel_Name gave solve your problem?
Shadow_Gaming is good at AI, but I think… yeah they’re offline
If you need a more complex AI that will actually fight the player I can help with that.
please i need help!
What do you want it to do?
make them go around walls for my game ya know my valorant remake game i need ai for that but the ai goes around walls
this is the ai that i want: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/480712527/fullscreen/ (except a little harder)
are you still there @CodeAlpaca?
well that’s requesting a lot
sorry if its too much to resquest
This is an example tinker smith has, but the movement might feel a bit robotic because it’s taking an optimal path, would you want me to make a version that uses ray casts?
sure and can you make them shoot when it sees player
let me make team access to my game
just make a raycast come out of the face and when it hits the player shoot
I am working on 2 projects currently so it may take longer than normal to finish, but I’ll get it done as soon as I can.
here @CodeAlpaca you work on movement i work on weapon sound good?