I need some help on a bug

Every single sound effect that I’ve recently uploaded are all playing the same sound! I even went into my list of uploaded sounds and all of them are the same!!! @grazer please help.


@grazer @JR_01 @Mhx_Aîr

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Alright, I found the bug.
If two sounds are of the same (or incredibly similar) names, then the server will bunch them up into the same sound file and only play one of the sounds, usually the most recently uploaded.

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ok, so its fixed now?


Yes, sadly I had to re-upload a million sound files though lol.

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Ran into the same problem a while back, which ultimately broke the entire voice comm system for HAKK3R 1. However, I have my doubts it’s actually a bug, and not just the system trying to be more efficient in storage

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I assumed the same but had no proof.

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