I suck at graphics, help make my game beautiful!

So I can make functioning games, but I’m not really into graphics. Try out my game and give me ideas of how to make it look better than just squares. Thanks!!!

Just let me do everything lmao

Try to be creative, look at games like galaga or some other namco games. I really reccomend those games. And you can try to make a better beckground. And dont overuse the color black.

Thanks so much!! @“Kirit Ubhi”

Hey Wybba, Ill draw you some sprites if you help me fine tune my code and trouble shoot issues! Let me know

Deal! What can I help you with?

@Wybba Sweet! I just posted a link to my newest creation on the forums. http://www.flowlab.io/game/play/1057258

I would call it 80% done for a prototype test level. Ive managed to get things working through sheer force of will, but theres definitely some fine tuning needed and some quirkiness to work out. Id be happy to draw a couple sprites in exchange for some useful feedback re: coding/gameplay. Let me know what you think!!

@todorrobot For sure, I’ll take a look at your game and let you know what I can do.