I want someone to test my game!

The first thing I thought when I saw Patty, I thought Peppermint Patty from Peanuts/Charlie Brown

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I love wingdings :DDDDD

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How did I forget this was a fnaf inspired game

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probably because of the cat and Wingdings lol

And peppermint patty

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the story is nice, however, when the child’s new name is introduced, it’s kind of underwhelming since it was sorta obvious ever since the puppet called the animatronic “Dusky”

I suggest that instead of saying “Dusky has seen better days” replace the word dusky with something like “this thing” or whatnot.

this way when the name is introduced it feels more dramatic or whatever

I have also noticed MIXELS in your art, it is when you mix 2 pixel sizes together. I suggest keeping stuff consistent and stay the same pixel size throughout the whole game. it makes everything look better

Also, welcome to the community!!


Okay, lore drop, the name of the dead child is loria, and none of the animatronics could possibly know this, but we learn this later on. And also i like using MIXELS, it’s nicer and easier. And thank you for the feedback!

I mean mixels are fine if you use them right, the mixels in your game stick out like a sore thumb. However this isn’t really my game so I don’t really care (not in a rude way)


Cloud you had a whole rage after finding out I accidentally added mixels to something. it wasnt even on purpose and you had a whole hulk moment :rofl: where is this alter ego coming from

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you used mixels the wrong way hyprocrite “I read the whole topic”

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Ladies, ladies, your both pretty XD


I read the whole thing
I said it was an accident. now who’s the hypocrite


Ladies Ladies One at a time, there’s only enough perfection for one being.

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I know it was an accident, but we never found out how the mixels got there :thinking:

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ohh that’s what you meant, I explicitly remember you saying that you were coding the dummy, and had not edited it’s sprite

you never admitted you added mixels

Alright, the word dusky has been replaced with “She”


I like the game its just missing some sound the game could use some sound like you did the click for phone guy.


That is what i’m working on as soon as I get voice actors lol.