I know that it’s unorthodox, but Please, I need the game to thrive, since i’m only 14 lol. And it’s a FNAF fan game where you play as the animatronics, still in beta and demo, but it works! There’s a story! please test it if you have the time!
Not even that bad, in fact I’d say this is pretty neat
Also, welcome to the community!
Thank you so much! You are so kind! Have a fantastic day!
The only thing I have to complain about is that the phone guy’s words at the beginning is a little cut out from the left side of the screen. Other than that, I can’t wait to see the full game. The art and design is better than what make.
Got It! I’ll take that into consideration in the next update, and thank you for being so kind! Have a fantastic day!!!
I am Happy to say that this has been fixed! No More off placed dialogue! And also, again, thank you so much for the kind words! It means a lot to me! Have a phenomenal day!
Just letting everybody who’s interested know, I’m making a MASSIVE update to my game right now! It’ll have more lore, cut-scenes, levels, animations, art, and also scripts written by one of my good friends! So just thought i’d let everyone know! Also, if you have a FNAF oc, I can try to find time to implement them as a playable character!
Solve this if you want, testing out some ARG stuff =)
︎⚐︎⚐︎:neutral_face:︎ 🕆︎:skull_and_crossbones:︎:snowflake:︎⚐︎
︎:skull_and_crossbones:︎:point_up:︎☜︎:frowning:︎ ⚐︎☞︎
︎☼︎:raised_hand:︎:skull_and_crossbones:︎:point_up:︎☜︎☼︎ ⚐︎☞︎
︎☜︎:v:︎:-1:︎☜︎☼︎ ⚐︎☞︎
︎☟︎☜︎ 🏱︎🕆︎🏱︎🏱︎☜︎:snowflake:︎ 🕈︎:raised_hand:︎:frowning:︎:frowning:︎
︎:v:︎✞︎☜︎:mailbox_with_mail:︎ 🕆︎:droplet:︎:mailbox_with_mail:︎
Sorry, It’s Wingdings. it says: L︎O︎O︎K︎ U︎N︎T︎O︎ T︎H︎E︎ A︎N︎G︎E︎L︎ O︎F︎ L︎I︎B︎E︎R︎A︎T︎I︎O︎N︎,︎ T︎H︎E︎ B︎R︎I︎N︎G︎E︎R︎ O︎F︎ J︎U︎S︎T︎I︎C︎E︎,︎ T︎H︎E︎ L︎E︎A︎D︎E︎R︎ O︎F︎ L︎O︎S︎T︎ S︎O︎U︎L︎S︎.︎ T︎H︎E︎ P︎U︎P︎P︎E︎T︎ W︎I︎L︎L︎ S︎A︎V︎E︎.︎ U︎S︎.︎ A︎L︎L︎.︎
Don’t worry, you’re good. It broke lol
I’m happy to say that our company has been established! I am now head of Burger Cat Games!
Don’t question it please.
lol is the cat named patty
I like that name! Mind if I use it?
You can
Thanks! Expect to be seeing her as the loading screen!
Wonderfully made! (also makes the joke better tbh)
why thank you! have a phenomenal day!