I want someone to test my game!

I know that it’s unorthodox, but Please, I need the game to thrive, since i’m only 14 lol. And it’s a FNAF fan game where you play as the animatronics, still in beta and demo, but it works! There’s a story! please test it if you have the time!


Not even that bad, in fact I’d say this is pretty neat :+1: :+1:
Also, welcome to the community!


Thank you so much! You are so kind! Have a fantastic day!


The only thing I have to complain about is that the phone guy’s words at the beginning is a little cut out from the left side of the screen. Other than that, I can’t wait to see the full game. The art and design is better than what make.

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Got It! I’ll take that into consideration in the next update, and thank you for being so kind! Have a fantastic day!!!

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I am Happy to say that this has been fixed! No More off placed dialogue! And also, again, thank you so much for the kind words! It means a lot to me! Have a phenomenal day!


Just letting everybody who’s interested know, I’m making a MASSIVE update to my game right now! It’ll have more lore, cut-scenes, levels, animations, art, and also scripts written by one of my good friends! So just thought i’d let everyone know! Also, if you have a FNAF oc, I can try to find time to implement them as a playable character!


Solve this if you want, testing out some ARG stuff =)
:frowning:︎⚐︎⚐︎:neutral_face:︎ 🕆︎:skull_and_crossbones:︎:snowflake:︎⚐︎ :snowflake:︎☟︎☜︎ :v:︎:skull_and_crossbones:︎:point_up:︎☜︎:frowning:︎ ⚐︎☞︎ :frowning:︎:raised_hand:︎:ok_hand:︎☜︎☼︎:v:︎:snowflake:︎:raised_hand:︎⚐︎:skull_and_crossbones:︎:mailbox_closed:︎ :snowflake:︎☟︎☜︎ :ok_hand:︎☼︎:raised_hand:︎:skull_and_crossbones:︎:point_up:︎☜︎☼︎ ⚐︎☞︎ :smiling_face:︎🕆︎:droplet:︎:snowflake:︎:raised_hand:︎:+1:︎☜︎:mailbox_closed:︎ :snowflake:︎☟︎☜︎ :frowning:︎☜︎:v:︎:-1:︎☜︎☼︎ ⚐︎☞︎ :frowning:︎⚐︎:droplet:︎:snowflake:︎ :droplet:︎⚐︎🕆︎:frowning:︎:droplet:︎:mailbox_with_mail:︎ :snowflake:︎☟︎☜︎ 🏱︎🕆︎🏱︎🏱︎☜︎:snowflake:︎ 🕈︎:raised_hand:︎:frowning:︎:frowning:︎ :droplet:︎:v:︎✞︎☜︎:mailbox_with_mail:︎ 🕆︎:droplet:︎:mailbox_with_mail:︎ :v:︎:frowning:︎:frowning:︎:mailbox_with_mail:︎


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Sorry, It’s Wingdings. it says: L︎O︎O︎K︎ U︎N︎T︎O︎ T︎H︎E︎ A︎N︎G︎E︎L︎ O︎F︎ L︎I︎B︎E︎R︎A︎T︎I︎O︎N︎,︎ T︎H︎E︎ B︎R︎I︎N︎G︎E︎R︎ O︎F︎ J︎U︎S︎T︎I︎C︎E︎,︎ T︎H︎E︎ L︎E︎A︎D︎E︎R︎ O︎F︎ L︎O︎S︎T︎ S︎O︎U︎L︎S︎.︎ T︎H︎E︎ P︎U︎P︎P︎E︎T︎ W︎I︎L︎L︎ S︎A︎V︎E︎.︎ U︎S︎.︎ A︎L︎L︎.︎


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Don’t worry, you’re good. It broke lol

I’m happy to say that our company has been established! I am now head of Burger Cat Games!
Don’t question it please.

lol is the cat named patty

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I like that name! Mind if I use it?

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You can :+1:

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Thanks! Expect to be seeing her as the loading screen!

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Hows this asset for patty? Seriously, I want to know :slight_smile:

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Wonderfully made! (also makes the joke better tbh)

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why thank you! have a phenomenal day!