I'd like to give a big welcome to one of my friends, who just joined flowlab!

@wiimusix is my best friend (in real life) and she has just joined!
So, any kind words are welcome, and please, keep all negative energy out.
She’s gonna be great!
Just a simple hello or some advice is good, so comment away! =D

If they wonder about the potential of Flowlab,
show them that they can also make a game on Google Play.

Google Play:

@“JR 01” , she says she loves your games (=

Suppresses negative energy

@wiimusix (if you see this) Welcome to flowlab!!! gl navigating the logic and building games, feel free to ask the forums if you have questions, comments, concerns, or you just want to share your game! have fun!

@“my_name (<_>)” XD thank you for supporting our new member of the crew!

@wiimusix Welcome aboard! I am excited to see what projects you will be making in Flowlab!

Welcome to Flowlab! We all want to see what you have in store for the platform, and heck! You might be just as good as the people on the front page.

Well well well, we have potential front page game creator, maybe even you can create one that can go on the app or google play store.

I know she can! She’s an artist in her free time, so she doesn’t go online much. But, when she does, I’m confident she can do great things for the program.


Whoa! So has she made pixel arts as great as Terraria?

She’s a painter, but I’m sure she’ll be creating amazing art with Flowlab as well.