Idle Ba1ls Final Ball Tourney

I can’t speed up physics for just one object.

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Electric Ball
it looks like a mouse ball
100 dmg per hit
hits randomly with electricty arcs and has a long range
hits every 1 milisecond
cost: 1.5 quintillion
idk about rebirth you decide that i guess
randomly alternates between yellow and blue
ability: you can rotate electiricty arcs with your mouse if you’re fast enough


Disclaimer: A lot of people don’t realize than quintillion is 1k times more than quadrillion.
Also I like the idea of letting me decide prices since, well I will probably do that anyways (not too much though)


How do I rebirth?

it’s the button on the bottom right, you must get to level 100 first

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Nut Ball
50000 dmg per hit
Ability: Deals a devastating blast which leaves everything in white ashes
Cost: 750 Quintillion
Upgrade cost: 1 Septillion
Rebirth required: 1Sx Rebirth modifier
Looks like an Acorn.


Ok buddy you need to chill


what does “firstcodelol” do?

it’s a one time use code that gives you 50% more cash than you currently have

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I’ll just change my idea.

Magician Ball
50 dmg per hit
Ability: Every time it breaks a brick it could randomly duplicate itself or break 3 times as many bricks for 10 seconds, (The duplicates only stay there for 10 seconds)
Cost: 10 Quadrillion
Upgrade cost: 5 Quadrillion
Rebirth required: 2x
It looks like a purple and black ball with a tophat on it, and the ball is a bit small so the top hat could fit.


The clones won’t be able to duplicate right? Otherwise it could get out of hand.

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Well I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen lol
just think:
only 10 duplications is 1024 balls


Yeah, clones can’t duplicate.

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If I close my Idle Balls, would I lose my progress?

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no, everything saves.

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oops. ok i edited my post

Are you still adding balls? Because I have an idea for a secret ball: the Morbius ball. It costs one morbillion to purchase, and does one morbillion damage. It has 2 morbillion rebirth modifier.



You don’t need to @ someone in there own thread