I'm offering coding help for any and all who need it!

I make thIs post for those who wish for coding, let me know what you are looking for and I will either find it for you or ill make it, let me know!


If you ask and both you and the_undying are both having trouble feel free to tag me. I’ll help where I can


I’m sorry this message made no sense to me, can you reword it? Never mind it makes sense ignore this


They are saying that if you get stuck on something, ask them.


Before you help someone with code, I’d recommend getting better at it (not meant to be offensive). Your code is kinda clunky and overly large, so if you helped someone it would be hard for them to understand and could just make it harder to add things on later because your code is not very expandable (It uses inefficient ways to get the job done, and it required a new step or rework of the code to expand). Not meant to be offensive in any way just don’t want coding advice to be given if it might not help.

Things you could work on (constructive criticism):

  1. Condensing your code. In one of your games, you use a ton of filters (not correctly set) to send a message to an attached object for what hp amount it needs to show. Instead, you could just send the HP value to it, then use something like an expression (for example 5000/357 → number behavior set to round the number, and that’s what animation you use).

  2. Improve general knowledge. Get to know all the behaviors better so you can try to get rid of inefficient parts of code and find better solutions.

Those are 2 general tips to try and help you. I have no problem with you helping people, I just want to make sure they receive good information.


I would have prefurre d it in a message, people may not trust my help now.


I am sorry if people don’t trust you now, they still should. You’re not bad at coding, but just need a bit of polishing. In a week or even a few days, those 2 problems can easily be addressed.


That’s ok I am slowly doing so actaully, I am making a game that tests out different AI and what kind of attacks they could do, thank you and I am sorry if I seemed mad.


Np, it’s totally understandable. Good luck with your game.


There’s never been a fully developed video game based on the Red Dwarf TV show. That’s my next project idea but the game engine is something I wanna base off of the Red Dwarf RPG book. The goal being for the player to play as Dave Lister, the main character of the show, & relive each episode of the show in game form.

As a developer, this requires studying each episode as you develop the game. It also would require many different types of games blended into one. Space shooter, platform, RPG, etc. Red Dwarf fans have clamored for this since 1988 & it’s yet to happen.

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