Introducing Sonic In City Factory

Sonic In City Factory
Is Finally Here!!! With Upgrade Graphics And Sprites.
Sonic In City Factory Title Screen
Tokyo Light Zone
Summer Plant Zone
Techno Fight Zone

I’m sorry to say, but the game isn’t really that good…

I Was Working On New Update To
This Games.

The Update Is Now Here!!!
To Fix The Character Jump Sprites
Play The Games Again!

Can you add some animation to the enemies? They look kind of boring without any movement.


i love the original sonic game sprites, But when you start making a new 16 bit game, its going to be a bit too hard.

i expect gr8 things

@GodFries.Nation this is a dead topic.

Thunder hasn’t been on for a long time

@GodFries.Nation this has been said a lot of times… can you please stop bringing up dead discussions? You always do that, and you should realize you’re not gonna get an answer from that person.

@Luminous700 Srry

the gameplay is a little fidgety, but the art is rlly good!

oops, srry didnt know this was ded :sweat:

Man I wish I could just lock topics!

Ironically, @hyperthunder16 just showed back up recently - so maybe he will chime in after all :slight_smile:

This Topic is Old
Just Move On!