Is there any way to upsize a sprite in the editor?

I have a sprite I want to make bigger in the editor, so is there any way to upsize it? Or do I just have to make a bigger one myself?

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There is a function called size in the behaviors. Is that what you are looking for?

I wanted to know if I could do it in the sprite editor itself, but that works too. Thanks!

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There is no way to do it in the sprite editor, so size is your best bet.

No there is?

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That just increases the canvas size. Not the actual sprite.

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Oh that’s what bestgamer meant.

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If it is a pixel art you made, just download it and go to, then click on “Start Drawing” (u don’t need an account btw). When your art is in the Pixilart editor, click download and then you can make the sprite bigger in perfectly high quality to however big you want by moving the slider or typing a number in the space right next to the slider (the slider is at number 1 by default, which means original size).

The bigger size (called upscale) is based on multiplication. This means that if your sprite is 32 pixels wide times 32 pixels tall (or one Flowlab block), then when u move the slider up to 2 or double size, it will become 64 times 64 pixels (or two Flowlab blocks).

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