Hi everyone! I already shared some progress of this on the Flowlab Discord… BUT I wanted to get more general feedback from the community.
Link: Flowlab Game Creator - Label Bundle - Easy Dialogue
The idea is to create a bundle that could replace the existing Label or replace it in some scenarios.
(Original rainbow effect credit: @CrimsonBlackGames , slightly changed to fit in)
Namely, dialogue, the current way to make dialogue, is time-consuming or terrible looking (alerts cof cof), so this bundle could work as an easy-deploy Dialogue bundle.
Click to open Progress screenshots:
60 fps Bubble Speech:
Aligned to the Left:
This bundle would give a lot more control over the Label, such as being able to change the text color during the game, the option to move the text up or down when a new line is typed, adjusting kerning (TBD?), text effects, etc. - you get the idea
What do you think, would you use something like this in your games?
In other words, would finishing this bundle be worth my time?