If anyone has wondered where I went, last week, I went to download a game and it got a fat chunk of malware and deleted my NTloader from System32. So… I had to format and reinstall windows… I have nothing…
Also, while I’m typing, if you or anyone you know has a Windows XP, prepare for the XPocalypse. April 8th…
The hackers are coming.
Hackers??? Good thing i have a mac!
yikes! Bad luck man, but glad you’re back
Yeah, I’m going to need to redownload all my files. Btw, I know all the sprites come in a sheet when downloaded, but is there any way to get them all in individual png files? It’s a huge pain to take apart all those sprites and align them to be centered right. I mean, unless it’s too much to ask, in that case, it’s fine, I was just curious
If you install the desktop version, it should have both a sprite sheet and individual files
Oh? I didn’t know that. Awesome. Yeah, well I saw DA reached over 3000 plays today or yesterday, so I think I will continue it soon. I still really want to start from scratch since it’s so buggy. One bug is that 2 objects can’t use the same controls…