Last Update for 2018 (probably): HTML5!

I hope so @CrimsonBlackGames

What is the progress for HTML5 now @grazer ?

I thought it is done.

If it was done, we would no longer be using Flash and Html5 would have automatically been selected for every game.

I Hope This Update Replace Flash.

I haven’t seen @grazer reply to anything in a while. Is he alright???

Last time this happened @grazer did the html update.

One of my games is super laggy in Flash, to test I have to go into html5 mode which means I can’t edit unless I go BACK into “my games” so when is this update coming @grazer ???

Hi @grazer We miss you! Come up for air and let us know how things are going :slight_smile:

I tested my two newest games in HTML5 and there were a few glitchy issues.

Barstid Patrol

The bullet physics in Barstid Patrol seem way different. (They don’t shoot as far).


In OH NO UFO, the UFO’s gravity is weird and the impulse to keep it gently afloat is way stronger.

There were sound issues on both. Music starts in the wrong place and loops over itself where it’s not supposed to.

I’m eager (as I know a lot of users are) for the html update to be finished. Looking forward to it. Let us know if there’s anything else we can do to help out!