- Layers for UI
- Option for GUI (bars and labels)
Would make The Graveyard look better with the level transitions because the big white fading object is behind labels.
Would make The Graveyard look better with the level transitions because the big white fading object is behind labels.
What do you mean by “* Option for GUI (bars and labels)” ?
Probably something along the lines of what layer bars and labels appear on. For me, if I were using labels, but I wanted to have something above the labels, I couldn’t, labels are dominant, and bars are dominant, always above everything else. If there were more GUI layers, I could make an animation that makes it look like the labels are being typed out by removing chunks of white space in the animation. I could also make the screen flash white or whatever color, or anything like curtains or some animation, and I won’t have to worry about the bars being above it.
I could just be misunderstanding their request, but there wasn’t much typed.
Ah damn it, why did I do that.
I meant layers for GUI, not option. And they use the same layers as the user interface. So if a label is layer 2 and an UI object is layer 1, the label will render above the object.