Level sorting is broken

Whenever I try to sort out the levels in my game, two of them get stuck on a number and they won’t move. I’ve tried basically everything, and I don’t want to have to delete the levels in the game to fix it. @grazer
Screenshot 2020-02-05 at 2.20.54 PM

game link?


I made a Trello card for this, I’ll check it out: https://trello.com/c/vDVCIiL0/284-busted-level-sorting

Hey @ScizorM. - I have sorted out the level order issue in your game. I also made an update to help prevent this from happening, which will be deployed in the next version.

Thanks for reporting, and let me know if you have any more issues with this

@grazer sorry about the late response, it didn’t ring up my email for some reason. Good to know that it for fixed. Thanks.

This happens to me a lot. Seriously I have about 4 levels at “6”