lever makes my player force itself through walls.(fixed)

update: issue is fixed

the camera is replaced after the switch is flipped for aa special camera effect. turns out the special camera was solid.

this is my flowjam game. it is nearly done but I’m having trouble figuring out why after I flip the switch in the first cave level, my player is forced off in a direction and sometimes clips right through the walls and proceeds to force itself offscreen. I truly have no idea why it is doing this, because it wasn’t before. I haven’t made any modifications to the levers or the players behavior with levers since it was working. if you have any idea of what this is or how to fix it, please tell me.



btw I’ve reloaded the page and it still does it

@F3Art idk if this is foul play but I am not gonna help you, I’ll need all the help I can get to win this thing!

@meburningslime i get where you’re coming from but my game can’t even be completed with this big of a bug. I just need to fix something that broke. I’m not asking for extra help, just a way to fix an issue and move on. what you said makes sense, but it seems a bit harsh.

@F3Art you guilt tripped me successfully, but even though I want to help…Screenshot 2020-07-17 at 5.35.27 PM
…this is all I get.

i figured it out. theres something wierd with the camera on level 2.
update: the camera is replaced after the switch is flipped for aa special camera effect. turns out the special camera was solid.

@meburningslime I fixed the issue now but is the game not loading? I’m not sure what your screenshot is supposed to mean.

@F3Art yes I dont even get to a loading screen!
