been thinking about an old pokemon game I made where you literally couldn’t fight anything bc i was terrible at coding and my excuse was it was “looked down upon” in the region it took place in. anyways i was wondering what would happen if you imported the code in one of the pokémon (probably the one which i called “taxaree” in the code bc that’s the only one which has code) and hacked it into pokemon home. it’ll probably also need some of the code from flowlab to work too lol. what would it turn into? a missingno? a bad egg? what would happen if you fought with it in game? no idea lol
p.s. if you’re wondering what the pokemon’s names are theyre:
- the orange and green one is called shirtkarp
- the white version of shirtkarp is it’s next evolution, ironkarp
- the next evolution of shirtkarp is it’s blue version diamondkarp
- the red smiles are called “Thank You For Playing My Game”
- The one locked in prison is called “continueplayinggame”
- The one in the tube is Mewtaxaria
- The one that transports you from Level 3 back to Level 2 is called Taxaeree
- The secret out-of-bounds one from Level 1 is “Lost Shirtgod”