Make an enemy move around


i don’t think it is working

Try playing it from the game list, if you play from the editor it often breaks.

why does my character have a block around it when i don’t move it?

it still doesn’t work

screenshot your code.

Screenshot 2020-05-27 at 11.59.05 AM

Make the filters go in the “In” input, not the + Input.

It still goes off the map

You did 2 of the 4. Now do “Less than” and add 32 for the left and bottom sides.

is it like this?
Screenshot 2020-05-27 at 12.36.32 PM

One thing is wrong: make an alwayss go into the extractors.

the monster doesn’t move

Turn the timer on repeat forever and make the randomizer -4 to 4.

it still doesn’t move. do i need to delete the always?

No, it moves for me idk why you don’t see it move.

never mind it moves. But the barriers don’t work

? Check again.

did it work for you?
