Make something happen when an input is not active

Is it possible to have an action happen when the input isnt there?

e.g. having an animation play whenever the player character isnt touching the ground, but when the ground is currently touched it shouldnt play the animation.

Currently raycasting is sort of bugged (its unfortunately been taking a bit for the patch to deploy) but you could probably use raycasting as it as outputs for when it hits something and when it misses something.

So you could attach a raycast to the player, have it pointing down and make the raycast relatively short, then say on miss -> play animation then on hit -> stop animation

If youre referring to doing a jump animation though then this would not be the way to do it, if not then go ahead and try this (if raycasting decides to work)

Ive found a way to make it work with logic ports, by attaching the input to both the A and the B from a NAND port. But the collision signal is only sent on the moment it touches, is there also a possibility to have the collision signal constantly be sent as long as its touching?

Raycast would probably be your best bet

@ryan.knol - I agree that it sounds like you’re looking for RayCast