Market Gnomes 🍄 - Summer Flowjam 2024

Happy Flowjam!

Me and @CarbonSoda teamed up this year to make Market Gnomes, a tower defense game where you hire gnomes to fight against waves of bugs! After killing bugs, you can use their parts to sell at the market, but make sure you’re getting a good price. Occasionally, workers may go on strike but you can always pay them a bit more to get them back to fighting the good fight!

We both managed to find some time to work this year with the busy schedules we had and I’m super proud of what we made! We hope you guys enjoy it!

And best of luck to everyone participating in the Flowjam!

Base Gnome


Congratulations to everyone in the Flowjam and thank you to everyone who rated Market Gnomes! The game unfortunately had to be rushed out by the end and it led to some pretty rough bugs and balancing issues. However, with the Flowjam officially over, we’ve made some quick hotfixes while we work on some more major updates:

  • The base gnomes (red gnomes) fire at a faster rate
  • Player health now functions as it’s supposed to
  • Any enemies that don’t fly now slowly deplete the garden gnome (green gnome) vines
  • The shop now displays a small description for each gnome when you hover above their icon
  • The butterfly, worm, and beetle enemies have been made significantly slower

Thank you for being patient with the game and for the feedback. It all helps to make this game the best it can be. We’ll be pushing out another (hopefully bigger) update soon!

Happy playing! :mushroom: