Me and 8-Bit_Studio can make free music!

Everyone is asking for touhou music, but i dont even know what it is? is it anime? a game???

Ok I have just looked up what touhou music is :grimacing: idk man, that night of nights thing took me like 4 hours, idk if i wanna go through that again, lol

Hey guys!

I just want to sample up some things, I’m really considering your service…
What I’m looking for is a melancholic sort of sound, definitely having piano and some sort of strings in there. But not super slow. Just slow enough to be thoughtful, but not so slow it becomes boring to listen to. Keep in mind that this is what I’m thinking of using as “idle” music, not battle.

Putting in darker hints into the music would be great too, and maybe a clock “gong” as a low beat could work (story reasons). If you want reference work to go off of, I suggest looking at Petri Alanko’s “Goodbye Again”, “The Night it All Began”, “Bright Falls Light & Power”, and “Departure”. Good luck:)

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Okay, I’m on it! Do you want me to DM you, or are you fine with it being out in the topic?

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I’d appreciate that, yes! Thank you for asking!

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Alright! Once I have a basic melody down I’ll DM you, but I am leaving for vacation in about 2 hrs. so 8-bit might have to take over

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Sounds good to me! And it’s no problem, I’m in no hurry:D

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Ok. I have a melody ready, I will add clocks and then send it to you!

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I’ll be ready! If I have any suggestions in the matter of the tune, I’ll let you know afterwards!

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Alright! Can do! About to be done!

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Alright @rcreger, the song is up, and I messaged it to you!

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@OrangePeel369 @8-bit_Studio You should use SandBox, In my opinion, It is WAY Better than BeepBox, Personally, I use Jummbox, and I would suggest that, althogh SandBox is more aimed to beginners, even more than BeepBox! Also, wed have to work out a time for it, but we could, maybe do some sort of google meet, or somthing along those lines, so I can give you some tips and tricks for making Music, Especially in BeepBox, SandBox, and/or JummBox! :smiley:

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also heres a Remake of ur song @8-bit_Studio

rest assured Night of Nights is particularly nightmarish, the others are much easier trust me :slight_smile:
Touhou is a Japanese danmaku (literally meaning “bullet curtain”, basically bullet hell) shoot-em-up game originally made solely by ZUN, it also holds a world record! The fanbase is incredibly contributive and amazing. The game is best known for it’s music and incredible bullet patterns (that are insanely difficult, help me)