
you put it in the same levle :anguished: ( for it to work you need a new levle


an unrelated question, is there a new behavior in the game flow section called full screen (just added?)

also,i still don’t think it works

uhhhhh not sure ill see

nope ther is no knew behavior also its not working because your going to the wrong levle when you press continue find the levle with the kid in it and make it go to that levle

is it because i made it so you have to press play and the play object spawns the player

so the full screen behavior was already added?

not of my knolege could you show screenshot of it?

Screenshot 2020-06-27 at 2.41.39 PM

is the continue not working because i made it so you have to press play and the play object spawns the player


also, i don’t see the full screen feature when i edit your game…
Thanks for the help

actually, it still doesn’t work when i add the player into the game

it works! My position block had to be pixels not grid

your welcome :slight_smile:

OMG … I never noticed the Fullscreen, thanks for pointing that out @USERNAME55

is that new, oh source of wisdom @“JR 01” ?

… dang, doesn’t work on phone sniff, but looks cool on PC

i only see it if i edit a certain object. wonder why